November 27, 2019

Time to Play

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Judy Johnson, Resident

One of my favorite Christmas memories comes from a Christmas during World War II. My father had a hardware store, and business was sort of slow. He had ordered more toys than parents could afford, with the economy and rationing as it was. So, on Christmas Eve he brought home all the Lionel trains and accessories he had left and set them up throughout our downstairs. You can imagine the delight of his daughters when we came downstairs Christmas morning and saw a train running through the living room, dining room, kitchen and den. Daddy had the “boys” he never had for a day because we played with all the parts and pieces, tunnels, cattle, box and flat cars, engines, cabooses, track, track, and more track. I remember being on the floor with him and running all over the place blowing the whistle and dumping loads of logs. I don’t have any memory of being sad when he took it all back to the store the day after Christmas — just the memory of time well spent playing with my daddy.

Always take time to play when you can.  You never know when you will get  another chance!