December 20, 2019

The Gift of Creativity

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Trish Bracken Carter, Team Member

While I was growing up, my mother had a steady stream of creativeand talented friends who shaped the way I viewed the world. Therewas the group of ladies who turned scraps of carpet remnants intopatchwork-style trendy rugs. There was the group that could do anything with aneedle — sewing, knitting, crocheting, smocking, cross stitch, and so on.

Like my mother, Fran belonged to many of the groups. She could make justabout anything and especially liked to make Christmas ornaments. She was a fixturein our lives as not many weeks went by without some reference to, or contactwith, Fran.When my husband and I were married, we received a wedding giftfrom Fran. Tears filled my eyes when I opened the box and found it full of handmadeChristmas ornaments. I immediately understood the time and attentioneach one had required.

Over twenty years later, I still have these treasured ornaments. Each one bringsa smile to my face when I place it on the tree. This Christmas, I am thankful forthe gift of creativity I see in many people around me.

While I appreciate any gift that comes my way, the gifts that are my favoritesare those crafted with love by those who love me!