December 2, 2019

Such a Nice Man

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Betty Ruggles, Resident

I    remember waking up one morning and my dad had switches in his stocking. I was so concerned. My dad was such a nice man. Why would Santa do THAT? I just hoped my friends wouldn’t find out.

The Christmas Letter
Wherever you are when you receive this letter
I write to say we are still ourselves
In the same place
And hope you are the same.

The dead have died as you know
And will never get better,
And the children are boys and girls
Of their several ages and names.

So in closing I send you our love
And hope to hear from you soon.
There is never a time
Like the present. It lasts forever
Wherever you are. As ever I remain.
– John N. Morris