December 19, 2019

Spoiled Rotten

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Sylvia Schmidt, Resident

I was the youngest in a family of three girls; my two big sisters werefourteen and fifteen years older than I. We spent a lot of time togetherin those days, which was easy to do in our little two-bedroom house inPortsmouth. We even shared the same bed!

It was noted more than once that my big sisters were spoiling me rotten. And asmuch fun as that was, apparently it became a bit of a problem, which is why oneyear at Christmas, instead of the usual nuts and fruit in the toe of my stocking, Iwoke up early to find I had gotten—SWITCHES!Message received.

I found out later my sister who was 14 years older did it.Although it upset me that day, eventually it became such a fun memory. And I’venever forgotten how much I loved those two big sisters.

“Within these days of early winter
is disappearance of the familiar world,
of all that grows and thrives,
of color and freshness,
of hope in survival.

Then there comes a moment of softness amid the bleak,
a gift of grace and beauty,
a glance of sunlight on a snowy hillside,
a covering of low cloud puffs in the valley,
a moon lit landscape,
and I know the known world is still within my grasp
because you have hold of me.”
–Emily Polis Gibson