December 7, 2019

New York, New York

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Eddie Liles, Team Member

I came to Richmond in 1999 from my home in Brooklyn to study atVirginia Union University, and have been here ever since. But every yearat Christmas time, I can’t wait to get back home. I usually stay with mybrother and his family in Brooklyn. He is married and has four girls and one boy.One of our traditions is to load everyone up in my brother’s Cadillac Escaladetruck and drive into Manhattan. If you’ve never been to Manhattan at Christmastime, you are missing out. And my brother is a pro at driving in the city. There isso much to see:

  • Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center,
  • People ice skating
  • Large colorful snowflake display on the side of one of the buildings thatchanges colors
  • Standing in Times Square with all the neon signs and television screens,and shopping in all the stores

If we haven’t finished our Christmas shopping up by the time we drive to Manhattan,chances are good that we’ll pick up several gifts that night.My mother still lives in Brooklyn, and I will always spend time with her. That’swhat I want to do when I go home — just be with family and enjoy time together.When Christmas Eve comes, my brother’s house is full of family and friends,and at midnight we all gather and open gifts. Someone always videos the eveningso we can watch it later and remember all the fun we had.

There’s no place like Brooklyn for Christmas.