December 25, 2019

My Toni Doll

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Becky Maxwell, Resident

When I was growing up in Ohio, Santa Claus brought the Christmastree to our house each year. Each Christmas Eve my parents would takeus to deliver gifts to friends and relatives before we went to a restaurantto eat dinner. After dinner, we would drive around to see Christmas lights. Weloved this tradition. When we passed a house with a Christmas tree, my fatherwould say, “there is a tree in that house—Santa must have already begun deliveringgifts. We’d better hurry home and go to sleep!”

When we woke up on Christmas morning, we were greeted by a decorated treecomplete with gifts. One Christmas morning I will never forget was the year thatmy sister and I each received a Toni doll. I was eight years old and my sister wasthree years old. Oh, how we loved those dolls. My mother made clothes for ourdolls. I remember little velvet coats, skating dresses, and even little roller skates.These dolls were especially meaningful to us because our grandmother was a beauticianwho gave people permanents. The dolls camewith their own tiny curlers and solution for us to giveperms to the dolls.

Years later I discovered the mystery of Santa. I wastold that as long as I did not tell my sister, I couldhelp undecorate the tree. This was a special time as Ilearned how much work and love went into makingthis Christmas surprise possible, and I truly appreciatedit.

I still have a trunk my father made from anold cigar box to hold