December 1, 2020

My Christmas Story Only a Cedarfield Resident Would Appreciate

Last Christmas I arose at 5 a.m., to be ready to see my grandchildren descend the stairs of their home at 6 o’clock to view what Santa had left them under their decorated tree. I truly enjoyed watching each of my four grandchildren in Richmond (Frannie, Vinnie, Rocco and Lucia) open their presents and show their gifts to me. Their shouts of glee were pure joy! In traditional fashion, we finished opening gifts, ate a quickie breakfast and drove off to St. Bridget’s Church for the 9 o’clock Christmas Mass.

After mass there were many hugs, cheers and good wishes exchanged. At 10:30 a.m., my phone started ringing. Who would have been calling me that early in the morning? Of course, it was Susan, the concierge, checking on me to determine if I was safe. I had left Cedarfield before 6 a.m., and forgot to notify the concierge of my early departure. Next year I will try to remember to notify the concierge the night before Christmas.

Blessings come in all forms—even the jingle of the telephone. For this joyous season I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas

Barbara Fischi, Resident