December 1, 2019

Mother’s Christmas Saving Skills

            In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Elena Wiggins -Team Member

When we were little and living in New York, we put our tree up on Christmas Eve every year. It was so exciting to wake up on Christmas morning to find the tree there and decorated. After years of carrying on this celebration with a family of my own, I learned from my mother the reason behind it. My mother laughed and told me that it was because the trees were free on Christmas Eve! Even after learning that it was not intended to become a tradition, I kept doing it. It is a tradition now. I have also picked up some of my mother’s Christmas saving skills — I stock up on wrapping paper after Christmas when it is almost free.

“The perfect Christmas tree? All Christmas trees are perfect!”
–Charles N. Barnard