December 5, 2019

Many Ways to Celebrate

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Allie Swanson, Team Member

Christmas is celebrated in many different ways. As a child, one of my mostmemorable Christmases was celebrated in a very small apartment. Theapartment was so small that there wasn’t even a place to set up a tree. Myfather was intent on providing a Christmas for our family even without a tree, sohe created a tree made of wrapping paper and hung it on a door. On ChristmasEve my parents hid our presents throughout the apartment because there was noroom below the paper tree to place them. When Christmas morning arrived, wefound great joy in waking up and searching high and low for our presents creativelyhidden throughout our apartment.My first Christmas with my husband’s family introduced me to many new traditions.After all our presents were distributed and opened, there, remaining underthe tree were five identical gifts. Much to my surprise, the special gifts for each ofus were Nerf Guns that entertained us for the rest of the afternoon as we chasedeach other around the house.

Traditions happen in many different ways,but as long as they are spent with family, they are all worth creating.