December 18, 2019

Home for Christmas

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Shannon Guss, Team Member

A memory I have of Christmas is back in 2001. On December 18th,I got a phone call that my grandmother passed away. The next day,my mother and I made the trip to Dallas, Texas from Virginia for thefuneral. We had the service on December 22, and the next day, we started our tripback to Virginia. We got to Louisa County late in the evening on Christmas Eve. Icalled my husband from my mother’s house to let him know that I would be homeon Christmas morning.

We had it planned out that I would come through the door on Christmasmorning to surprise our four young sons. By 7:00 a.m., on Christmas morning,I was knocking on our front door, and my husband let me in to surprise theboys. Just to see their faces light up with such joy that Mommy was back home wasall I needed. I look at my boys today and flashbacks come back to that morning.

“At Christmas, all roads lead home.”–Marjorie Holmes