December 17, 2019

A Most Memorable Advent Vignette

In Cedarfield tradition, the Pastoral Care Team created this compilation of holiday memoirs by team members and residents. We will share one a day through the holidays. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Louisa Rucker, Resident

The year when our sons were three and five, we heard about the “real”Santa, who welcomed children’s visits at a local plant nursery. We were also cautioned that the average wait time to see Santa was two hours, butthat we would not be disappointed. We stood in line for those two hours and justbefore our boys saw him, Santa’s “helper-elf” quietly asked for the boys’ names,which Santa promptly used to invite them into his sleigh where they sat facing himwith their backs to us.

After asking what they hoped he would bring them for Christmas, Santa discretelylooked at us for affirmation or a “not this year.” The boys accepted Santa’swords as gospel. As the visit was ending, Santa asked if he could hold our two weekold baby daughter. He then said to our sons, “Boys, this baby is what Christmasis all about. Jesus was once a baby just like your sister, and we are celebratinghis birthday. Remember always that Jesus, your mom and dad, and I love youvery much. With that he returned the baby and gave each boy a Holy Card, as hetouched our hearts with a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.